Sunday, 9 June 2013

Who Would've Thought?

Was anyone else surprised when they saw that asos was selling Primark? 

They only have 25 items available right now but it'll be interesting to see primark add a lot more of their products to sell on asos. I guess a lot of primarks clothes would be in direct competition with asos items. For example in store Primark crop tops are £3. Asos' similar own label crop tops are £7. 

For me a massive positive would be getting to see what Primark are selling without having to rake around in a busy store - sometimes I just get a bit tired and give up looking. However, managing to find something amongst the hustle and bustle does give me a rather good feeling!

Out of the items currently available I'm loving this dress:

Primark Floral Print Prom Dress
£17 at

What do you think about Primark at asos? Have you got your eye on anything?

[pictures from]

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