Wednesday, 12 June 2013

Dry Shampoo Review - Leo Bancroft Rapidly Revived Dry Shampoo

For the past couple of years I've been having to wash my hair daily to keep it looking mildly presentable. However, a couple of months back I decided enough was enough! I was going to train my hair so that I could leave it for a couple of days and have a longer lie in the mornings.

At first it was terrible having to scrape my hair back and hope that no one saw me on the second day (I'm a hair down kind of girl). Eventually, after about two months I found it more bearable and I didn't have to wear my hair up for the second day.

The last month has marked a turning point - I found dry shampoo! Yeah, I know I'm a bit late on this one but I had used batiste in the past and just couldn't stand the smell. I knew how great everyone else had been finding dry shampoo (the added volume being the main plus point) so I headed down to the shops to find some dry shampoo that wasn't batiste and didn't smell anything like it either.

I ended up finding this Leo Bancroft Rapidly Revived Dry Shampoo at Tesco and oh my god have I been missing out!!! It's got a light, fresh scent - not overpowering and actually quite nice . Most importantly - it works. I can even get three days out of washing my hair if I need to and it gives it great volume. What's not to love?

I even get more time for sleeping!! I would seriously recommend giving this a try!

This Leo Bancroft range is exclusive to Tesco so you'll have to head down there to try it. At the moment it's 2 for £6 on the range - perfect excuse to try something new!

The whole Leo Bancroft range looks quite good, may have to try a few more bits!


  1. I'll have to go and have a look for this, I'm not the biggest Batiste fan either. Such a great find! xx

  2. I don't know how people can stand the smell of Batiste all day! Hope it works for you!
