Thursday 23 May 2013

Top Ten Beauty Don’ts

You may have seen my Top Ten Fashion Don'ts so I thought I’d do a list for beauty don’ts.
Here are the make up fails I don’t like to see:

1)      A face caked in a thick layer of foundation, leave the plastering to professionals.
2)      Foundation too light/dark for your actual skin, it should blend into your neck. It looks terrible 
        and everyone can notice.
3)      A concealer which is too pale - people will notice something ‘off’ with your face, even if they  
        can’t pinpoint exactly what.
4)      Dry, flaky skin. Find a moisturiser that works.
5)      Fake/clumpy eyelashes, it looks ridiculous especially in daylight.
6)      Unblended blusher/bronzer. Looks very fake.
7)      Fluorescent blusher/bronzer. I’m not quite sure what people are trying to achieve with these.
8)      Obvious lip liner. Dated.
9)      Wrong colours: eyeshadows and lipsticks. Can make or ruin your look, make the effort to get it 
10)   Bad eyebrows: untamed, too tamed, too light or too dark. Getting your eyebrows right can 
        make a massive difference to your face. So important.

What do you think? Do you agree with me? Is there anything you hate to see? Leave a  comment and let me know!

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